Monday, January 4, 2010

Productive Winter Days

There are so many words I'd like for 2010:

Intentional. Purpose. Savor. Delight. Joy. Blessed. Overflowing. Thankful.

I could go on.

As you could see from the last post, I spent much more time over the winter holiday with my family and friends than I did organizing and cleaning. Oh, yes, I want a tidy house with "everything in it's place." But I realize that it's not a job that you do and it just stays done. I'd have to work 24/7 to keep it spotless and company-ready. OR I could just forget about the dishes sometimes, put the laundry on hold and play a game with the kids.

We used to spend Little Lad's naptime doing our more intense school work, like Isabelle's math, science lab stuff, time line, etc... but I've decided that only the first half of naptime should be reserved for that. Then we play games, if the work is done. It's a great incentive, and schedules in our fun family time!

We also spent quite a few afternoons working on art projects and lapbooks. I posted some of them, like our Egyptian study and Dash's Fire Lapbook and our Lapbook site. The Artist also did another horse lapbook. No surprise, right? And Nature Man made a Space Travel one, that I'll post soon.

Anyone else have word(s) for 2010?

1 comment:

Just what are those Woods up to? said...

my words: fun, fit, organized, better-informed (:

the lapbooks are great!